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Head of Middle School


We are thrilled to announce that Debbie Viverette has accepted the position as Interim Head of Middle School for 2023-2024. Debbie is a 15-year veteran of Rocky Mount Academy’s Middle School, serving countless students and families as a social studies teacher, Dean of Students, advisor for the MSSGA and Junior Beta Club, and now, as the middle school’s lead administrator. Debbie’s passion for teaching and learning and for all of RMA’s students and families is well known to all those who have crossed her path since she joined RMA in 2008. She holds undergraduate degrees in Business Administration and Psychology and a Master’s degree in Education from Campbell University. With the confidence and support of the entire RMA Middle School team as well as the RMA Administrative Team, we welcome her to her new role and look forward to an exciting year ahead for the RMA Middle School!

From Mrs. Viverette………
I am very excited and inspired by this new opportunity to serve Middle School students and their families as they navigate this three-year period of intense social, emotional, physical, and academic growth. Early in my teaching career, I discovered the joy of working with young adolescents—I love their independence, enthusiasm, curiosity, and sense of humor. My passion lies in building and mentoring relationships while fostering a happy, safe, and welcoming environment where everyone feels informed, included, supported, challenged, and motivated to reach their full potential.

Explanation of Grading System

Academic assessment in the Middle School uses percentile averages that are based on the following criteria:

90 – 100    Indicates that a student is excelling in several if not all of the following: skill development, application of skills, sustained and effective use of knowledge, frequent contribution to class discussion, and initiative by going well beyond standard requirements and expectations.

80 – 89      Indicates that a student is excelling in fulfilling requirements and expectations in some areas and displaying competence in many areas.

70 – 79      Indicates that a student is satisfactorily fulfilling the requirements and expectations, sometimes exceeding or falling below them.

65 – 69      Indicates that a student is not satisfactorily fulfilling the requirements and expectations in many areas.

Below 65   Indicates that a student is not fulfilling basic requirements and expectations.


Honor Roll and Special Honors

The Honor Roll celebrates the high level of academic achievement earned by our students and serves as encouragement for continuing to strive for academic excellence. All honor roll students receive personal recognition from the school for their success. 

Trimester Awards: At the end of each twelve weeks, the following awards are given: 

Headmaster's List: Students have earned a 90 or above average in each course for the trimester. 

High Honors: An overall grade average of 90 or above, with no individual course average below 70. 

Honors: An overall grade average of 80 or above, with no individual course average below 70. 

Yearly Awards: At the end of the school year, the final honor rolls will be named. 

Straight A Honor Roll: No trimester grade below 90 in any course. This will not include exams. 

A Average Honor Roll: The average of all courses of 90 or above with no individual course average below 70 at year’s end. 

B Average Honor Roll: The average of all courses of 80 or above with no individual course average below 70 at year’s end. 

The Headmaster’s Award: Given at the end of the year in each grade to the student with the highest academic average in all graded courses after proper weighting. Failing a course or an exam for any grading period makes a student ineligible for any yearly honor roll. To be eligible to receive the Headmaster’s or departmental awards, a student must have been enrolled a minimum of half a year at Rocky Mount Academy.

July 2024
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